Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Do You Have a Magic Feather?

        I really enjoy watching kids movies because they can easily teach you the most beautiful lessons about the deepest things in life.  But, this only happens if you have your eyes wide open.
The other day I was watching Dumbo, the elephant who could fly but wasn't conscious enough about this great power he had.
At the beginning, Dumbo thought that all his amazing power was in a magic feather.  And only at the end of the movie, he could recognize the truth.  That he didn't need anything from the outside to reach his great power.  He realized that everything he needed, was already within himself.  But this knowledge only came when he was truly falling down.  It's beautiful doesn't it?
So don't wait to throw all your Magic Feathers away.  Realize that you already have all the power to become a great human being within yourself.  Don't wait for an external thing, a person or an idea to do the work you have to do in this great life. Fly!

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