Wednesday, May 25, 2016

No Mud, No Lotus

     There are going to be challenges in your life or troubles or problems (call them however you want).  But is when you don't know this, and think there's some magic way to avoid or those challenges, when you start suffering because of them.  So wake up, stop dreaming of a world without troubles that doesn't exist.  Without challenges you don't grow and that's the purpose of this life, to grow.

If you can see, every single problem in your life, comes with two extra items in his 'trouble-bag' and those are: 1)An Opportunity to Grow even stronger, and 2)A Lesson that could change your life so you don't make the same mistakes.  That last part is very important because when you make the same mistakes over and over again, you're learning less and suffering more every time.
When you pray, don't ask for a life without problems that isn't happening.  Ask for the courage, the strength and clarity of mind to recognize the opportunity to grow as a better you, after every single quest in life. Grow!

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